Repairs & Finishing
Regency A and BLocation: Regency A and B Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE, Inc. Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. […]
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE, Inc. Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. […]
Location: Grand Ballroom F Speaker: Peter Skinner - Press - Seal Corporation Speaker Bio: I am married; my wife Karisa is fantastic. We have three wonderful kids (11, 8, 5), […]
Location: Grand Ballroom G Speakers: Tom Umek - Afinitas Larry Neumann - Northern Concrete Speaker Bios: Tom has worked in production for more than 30 years. He has continued in […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: Maria Price, P.E.- City of Chattanooga Mike Kusch, P.E. - Foley Presentation Description: Michael Kusch reveals the SECRET he has mentored to many a successful […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A and B Speaker: Britt Marchman - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: The majority of problems discovered in drainage projects can be traced back to installation errors. This […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A and B Speaker: Palisha Sthapit - Oldcastle Infrastructure Presentation Description: Excavation and Trench Safety presentation will walk the attendees through OSHA's 29 CFR 1926 Construction Industry […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: T. Mike Toole, P.E., PhD, F.ASCE - UT Presentation Description: Prevention through Design (PtD) is an emerging safety management technique in which the safety of […]
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Mark Taylor - Rinker Speaker Bio: Mark Taylor is a Region Quality Manager for Rinker Materials and is based in Alexandria, LA. He began working […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: Josh Beakley, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: English Churchman, Robert South, once said, “Problems can become opportunities when the right people come […]
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE, Inc. Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A and B Speaker: More information coming soon! Presentation Description: For members to attend and learn about QIP Speaker Bio: More information coming soon!
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speaker: Margarita Takou, PhD, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Quality Control and Assurance of the precast infrastructure is streamlined with a […]
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE, Inc. Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. […]
Location: Regency Ballroom Description: The Award Luncheon will recognize the Journeyman, Mel Marshal Award, QCast, Chairman’s Safety and Quality Award Winners.
Location: Regency A and B