Improving the Design Life Cycle of Sewer Structures

Encore 2023

Speaker:  Kayla Hanson - Concrete Sealants Presentation Description: The term “corrosion” is typically associated with rusting steel or maybe even old batteries. However, other materials besides metals are also capable […]

Box Culvert Manufacturing & Installation

Encore 2023

Speaker:  Trevis Hanson, C.E.T. - Canadian Concrete Pipe and Precast Association Presentation Description Discover how precast concrete box culverts are made using drycast and wetcast concrete. Learn about the different […]

Trench Excavation Safety

Encore 2023

Speaker:  Palisha Sthapit - Oldcastle Infrastructure Presentation Description: Excavation and Trench Safety presentation will walk the attendees through OSHA's 29 CFR 1926 Construction Industry Regulations and Standards. The presentation gives […]

RCP Under Deep Fills

Encore 2023

Speaker:  Doug Kirk, P.E. - WV DOT Presentation Description: When the West Virginia Division of Highways updated Design Directives to use more concrete pipe, it seemed simple enough to add […]


Encore 2023

Speaker:  Hank Gottschalk - CP&P Presentation Description: Every object that is submerged in a liquid will experience buoyant forces. Buried tanks, vaults, manholes, drainage inlets, pipes and culverts are no […]