Building Tomorrow Today: Story of the ACPA

Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor Presenters:  Michael Kremer - American Concrete Pipe Association Dena Silva - American Concrete Pipe Association Trygve Hoff, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Steve Hawkins, AIA - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: The story of the ACPA isn't just about yesterday, it's also […]


Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Tom Greene - GCP Applied Technologies Presentation Description: Learn the fundamentals of Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC). In addition to a brief history of SCC, this presentation will include a discussion of the properties, admixes, benefits, cautions, testing requirements, and special production requirements for SCC. Speaker Bio: Tom is a […]

Pipe Show

Amina Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor

Location: Aminah Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!

Reinforcement 1

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Jake Jyrkama - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: We all know reinforcement makes our product stronger, more durable, and easier to handle. But how does it accomplish all of this? And why is it so important to be produced EXACTLY how the project plans specify? We will discus the purpose of […]

Soils on the Jobsite

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Karl Beckemeier, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Soils are a critical component of all construction projects and are important to all types of pipe installations. It is important to understand how the information found in various references and guides on soils relates to what might be […]

Small Drainage Inventory

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Brian Schroeder, P.E. - KYTC Michael Edwards, P.E. - Qk4 Engineering and Planning Presentation Description: Recent catastrophic events have exposed deficiencies in KYTC’s asset management. This prompted a large-scale project to identify and evaluate all small drainage structures (12 inch to <20 feet) located on KYTC roadways statewide. […]

INSPIRE: Personal Values and Recognition & Celebration

Pheoris West B - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West B - 3rd Floor Speaker: Eric Steele - Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute Presentation Description: Inspirational leadership training doesn’t begin by learning a new set of skills or behaviors but rather by learning what inspires and motivates you. While each of us has different and distinct values, identifying them leads to being more […]

Drycast Reinforcement

Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor

Location:  Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor Speaker: Bill Washabaugh - Northern Concrete Jake Jyrkama - Rinker Materials Speaker Bio: Bill works at Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc. in Michigan, a family owned business for over 64 years. He is the 101st & 113th Chairman of the ACPA Board of Directors. Bill is a member of […]

Reinforcement 2

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Jake Jyrkama - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: We all know reinforcement makes our product stronger, more durable, and easier to handle. But how does it accomplish all of this? And why is it so important to be produced EXACTLY how the project plans specify? We will discuss the purpose of […]

Reinforced Concrete Pipe Basics

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Trevis Hanson - CCPPA Presentation Description: This presentation provides basic information regarding reinforced concrete pipe. Pipe size and shape options, reinforcing methods, different concrete types and how productions differs with each type, basic pipe design concepts, and installation are all covered to provide attendees with basic knowledge […]

ODOT Project

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speakers: Lori Duguid - ODOT Cindy Wengerter - ODOT Presentation Description: This presentation highlights major transportation projects in the Central Ohio region. It aims to showcase efforts to improve infrastructure, enhance connectivity, and support development. By reviewing different projects, we reveal significant progress and challenges, emphasizing the importance […]

Cementitious Materials

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Vartan Babakhanian - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Gain an understanding of the history of Portland Cement, its current chemical make-up, and how it’s manufactured. You will also learn the basics of Supplemental Cementitious Materials (SCMs) including Pozzolans (Fly Ash) and Ground granulated blast furnace slag. Speaker Bio: Vartan […]

Keys to a Solid Pipe Specification: An Interactive Session

Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor Speakers:  Jennifer Harrell, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Developing clear, comprehensive pipe specifications is critical to successful infrastructure projects. Ambiguities in specifications can lead to delays, installation challenges, and performance failures. In this highly interactive session, Keys to a Solid Pipe Specification, attendees will actively collaborate […]

Highway Live Loads on Concrete Pipe

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Eghe Igiehon - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: ACPA’s Design Data #1 for Highway Live Loads has recently been updated to address the latest changes in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. As such, it would be a good time to give a presentation on live […]

West Virginia Corridor H Project

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speakers:  Brandon Raines, P.E. - WVDOT Jeremiah Knavenshue, P.E. - WVDOT Presentation Description: As part of the Appalachian Development Highway, Corridor H is one of the final routes to be constructed in West Virginia.  The intention of this route will be to provide connectivity between I-79 near Weston, […]


Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Vartan Babakhanian - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Continue your education of Concrete Materials from the Cement course by attending aggregates. During this course you will gain a knowledge of aggregate composition and properties, along with the ASTM specifications that you need to be familiar with to make quality […]

Pipe Show – Lunch

Amina Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor

Location: Aminah Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!

Pre-Installation Inspection

Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor Speaker: Palisha Sthapit - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: This presentation discusses the methods to properly inspect drainage pipe and products before the installation process. It highlights the reasons for inspecting the pipe walking through various examples. This presentation provides the audience with a review of AASHTO R73, which […]

D-Load Design of Elliptical & Arch Pipe

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Josh Beakley, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Oftentimes in Pipe School we do our best to give a basic understanding of D-load design for concrete pipe. This is the bread and butter of designing RCP. Unfortunately, with the limited time available, the presentations typically […]

Load Rating Bridge Sized Box Culverts

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Frederick Ring, P.E. - NYDOT Presentation Description: Load Rating Bridge Size Precast Box Culverts and Frames - Discuss Load Rating Codes - Discuss Load Rating Programs - Discuss the Load Rating differences btw Box Culverts and Frames - Discuss Live Load Influences thru deep fills Speaker Bio: […]

Concrete Technology

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Matt Steen - Jensen Precast Presentation Description: Learn the basics of understanding the proportioning of materials, (cementitious, aggregate, water, and admixtures), to create wet or dry cast concrete for Pipe and Precast. Also included is a discussion of some of the most common “bad” things that can happen to […]

Production Roundtables

Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor

Location:  Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor Roundtable Leaders: More information coming soon! Description: Course aimed at tackling the concerns found within our industry. Production Round Table is an open discussion format, giving participants with issues the opportunity to hear how others are handling situations. Industry experts from all parts of operations will be […]

Concrete Pipe Design “Look Mom – No Hands” – No PPT. No Computer. No A.I.

Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor Speaker: Al Hogan, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: This class will walk the students through the basic concepts of the structural design of RCP. The speaker will utilize the content of our ACPA Fill Height Table to walk the students through an interactive exercise to […]

Box Culvert Design

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Brian Jenner - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Precast Concrete Box Culverts are an important part of the United States Infrastructure. Their main purpose is to convey water under roadways. They are also used as pedestrian tunnels, utility tunnels, wildlife passages, and many other uses. They are buried […]

Moving Super Loads

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speakers:  Matt Bruning - ODOT Jacque Annarino - ODOT Presentation Description: Moving super loads takes a lot of planning, preparation, coordination, analysis, and communication. Imagine planning and preparing to move approximately two dozen super loads that are approximately 170 miles along the same roadways in less than one […]

Mix Design Calculations

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Rich Brewster - Northern Concrete Pipe Presentation Description: Proper mix design is the basis for the quality and cost of our products. This session sets the foundation for understanding basic mix design. In addition to learning what “specific gravity” is and its relationship to the volume calculations in a […]

Auditing Safety Behaviors

Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor

Location:  Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor Roundtable Leaders: Todd Marciniak - Northern Concrete Pipe John Puzz - County Materials Robert Strickland - Concrete Pipe & Precast Description: Most incidents happen because of a mistake or lapse in judgement of the worker. A company can have all the policies in the world; at the […]

Box Culvert – Drainage Improvements along I-94 in Valley City

Kojo Kamau B,C - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B, C - 4th Floor Speakers:  Michael E. Johnson, P.E. - NDDOT Brandon Barnes - Barr Engineering Co. Presentation Description: Improvements to the drainage system along I94 were required because the existing storm sewer, constructed in the mid-1960s, was undersized and had reached the end of its design life. Site constraints, including […]

Concrete Production

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Tom Umek - Independent Educational Consultant Presentation Description: The production of consistent and high-quality concrete is essential to all of the products that we make. This session will discuss the importance of proper material storage and handling, material and admix batching sequence, and the importance of compensating for aggregate […]

Machinery Workshop – Afinitas

Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor Workshop Leaders: Afinitas Description: Machinery workshop taught by the Afinitas Team

RCP Case Study

Kojo Kamau B,C - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B, C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Mike Pniewski, P.E., P.S. - Lucas County Presentation Description: Will provide a case study of several concrete pipe storm sewers throughout Lucas County, that have been in place for over 50 years, and are still performing sufficiently. Case study will include pictures and video of existing […]


Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Tom Umek - Independent Educational Consultant Presentation Description: Proper consolidation of concrete in our forms, using various vibration methods, is critical to strength, appearance, and durability of our products. We will discuss the basics of both amplitude and frequency of vibration, the various methods of vibration used in our […]

Pipe Show

Amina Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor

Location: Aminah Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!

Virtual Plant Tour

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Embark on a virtual tour as we travel north of Orlando to Rinker Pipe’s Apopka, FL, concrete pipe plant to witness the meticulous processes and stringent standards that define the production of high-quality concrete pipe.  Guided live by hosts from Rinker and the ACPA, this tour provides a […]

Virtual Plant Tour

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Embark on a virtual tour as we travel north of Orlando to Rinker Pipe’s Apopka, FL, concrete pipe plant to witness the meticulous processes and stringent standards that define the production of high-quality concrete pipe.  Guided live by hosts from Rinker and the ACPA, this tour provides a […]


Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Dan Hodel - Afinitas Presentation Description: Proper curing is necessary for the production of quality concrete pipe and manholes. Learn about the importance, and purpose, of moisture and temperature in the curing process, as well as ways to make curing more effective. Speaker Bio: Dan has designed, sold, installed and […]

Machinery Workshop – BESSER

Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor Workshop Leader:  BESSER    

Constructability Reviews – A Primer

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Bob Hildebranski, P.E. - Orion Engineers Presentation Description: Constructability reviews are conducted during various phases of a design effort. The structured review is performed to validate that a project can be built as designed, identify potential construction-related issues and develop & present alternatives to the design team […]

ASTM C13 Standards & Their Value

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Jimmy Farrell - ASTM International Josh Beakley, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Jimmy Farrell is a Technical Committees Manager at ASTM International. He manages 4 technical committees, C04 on Vitrified Clay Pipe, C13 on Concrete Pipe, C28 on […]

Excavation Safety and Educational Partnership Wins

Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor Speaker: Darrell West - Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources Presentation Description: In 2023 the Training Division of the Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources worked in partnership with the Georgia ACPA to bring a significantly expanded and action-packed safety presentation to ACPA P.I.P.E. course with the goals […]

Pre/Post Pour Inspection

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Matt Steen - Jensen Precast Presentation Description: This course covers equipment inspection, upkeep and documentation for pre and post-pour inspection of pipe and precast products. Critical areas such as form set-ups, reinforcement and damage inspection and brief look into Q-Cast requirements will also be discussed. Speaker Bio: Matthew is a […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor Speakers:  Michael Kremer - American Concrete Pipe Association Chelsea Fitzgerald - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Explore how AI tools like ChatGPT and Canva can enhance communication and creativity in both engineering and marketing. This session covers practical applications for generating ideas, improving writing, and bringing your […]

Understanding Cracking in RCP

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Joe Romanyk, EIT - County Materials Presentation Description: In this presentation, a discussion on cracking of reinforced concrete pipe will occur. Cracks are an intended design feature in reinforced concrete. A discussion on the theory of reinforced concrete design and how it relates to RCP crack control […]

Assessing Infrastructure Risk

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speakers:  Trevor McDonald, P.E., CFM, ENV SP - Mountain States Concrete Pipe Association Nathan Lee, P.E. - UDOT Presentation Description: This presentation highlights the need for integrating risk and criticality assessments into infrastructure planning to enhance resilience. Using Utah’s climate change and population growth as examples, it emphasizes […]

Pipe Show – Lunch

Amina Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor

Location: Aminah Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!

Safety Roundtables

Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor

Location:  Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor Roundtable Leaders: Todd Marciniak - Northern Concrete Pipe John Puzz - County Materials Robert Strickland - Concrete Pipe & Precast Description: Course aimed at tackling the concerns found within our industry. One of the best ways to ensure safety is through communication. Safety Round Table is an […]

Repairs and Finishing

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Paul Krauss - Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Presentation Description: Learn about pipe finishing and repairs. Does all damage need to be repaired? Learn what pipe damage should be repaired and procedures and materials used to complete both cosmetic and structural repairs. Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally […]

Drycast Concrete

Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor Speaker:  Vartan Babakhanian - Rinker Materials Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Vartan has been with Rinker Materials, formerly Gifford-Hill and Hanson, in Dallas, Texas. Since 1983. Vartan serves as the Technical Services Manager, and his areas of responsibility include management of Rinker’s Technical Services laboratory Quality Control […]

Post-Installation Inspection

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Melitza Avila - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Join me to explore post-installation inspection guided by National Standards such as AASHTO and ASTM. These inspections validate proper installation and structural integrity, offering Owner's assurance before project close-out or final acceptance. Speaker Bio: Melitza Avila is a Technical Resource […]

Kentucky’s Response to Weather Disasters

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speaker:  James Ballinger, P.E., PLS - KYTC Presentation Description: An Associated Press news article from July 25th,2024 states: "When it comes to extreme weather and other so-called natural disasters, people generally look to the hurricane or earthquake-prone coasts and say that’s where the danger is. But that’s not […]

What are They Looking for in a Salesperson

Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor Speaker: Larry Mauck, P.E. - Pretech Presentation Description: This presentation will take a practical look at selling reinforced concrete pipe (RCP)\reinforced box culvert(RCB) to contractors and engineers\municipalities. I will point out what each customer, engineer or contractor, is looking for in a salesperson. I will be identifying similarities […]

Environmental Compliance: An Overview & Focus on TRI Reporting

Pheoris West B - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West B - 3rd Floor Speaker:  Taylor Wilson - Trinity Consultants Description: This session will provide a broad overview of environmental compliance requirements as applicable to the concrete pipe manufacturing industry, with a focus on EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reporting program. The presenter will discuss the basics of TRI reporting, including common applicability […]

Risk Burndown/Troubleshooting

Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor

Location:  Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor Speaker: John Witte - Afinitas Presentation Description: Risk is an uncertain condition that causes a negative situation - yet many on our teams can identify them before they happen. Risks include schedules, costs, quality, safety, and more. The Risk Burn Down tool will help us focus on preventing […]

Calculations & Review

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker:Rich Brewster - Northern Concrete Pipe Speaker Bio: Rich Brewster is Director of Quality Control for Northern Concrete Pipe, based in Bay City, Michigan. He’s been with Northern since 2004 and has been involved in the quality program since 2007. Rich is responsible for developing and overseeing Northern’s award winning […]

Sustainability of Pipe in Europe

Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor Speakers: Stefan Schemionek - German Concrete Pipe Association Markus Lanzerath - German Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: In 2015 the "Paris Agreement" was signed by 195 countries to reduce CO2-Emissions with the goal to keep the rise in global surface temperature to below 3,6 °F. As a consequence, the European […]

Engineering Ethics

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Luther Liggett - Graff & McGovern Presentation Description: I. Concept-based ethics vs. rule-based ethics. A. NSPE Code of Ethics B. Ohio’s Code of Ethics for Engineers and Surveyors R.C. Chapter 4733. C. Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board Rules R.C. Chapter 4740. D. Business benefit of practicing ethics […]

Emergency Culvert Replacement – NY Rt. 7

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Ratan Huda, P.E., MSSE - NYDOT Presentation Description: Emergency Culvert Replacement - NY Rt 7 over Hoosick River Overflow – Project Highlight - In the Fall of 2023 NYS DOT purchased emergency box culverts and stockpiled them in a maintenance yard. - Fast forward to the Winner […]

Managing Employees with Different Backgrounds

Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A - 4th Floor Speaker: Carlos Villarreal - County Materials Presentation Description: Purpose of this course is to help managers and leaders be more effective when working with employees or supervising employees with different cultural backgrounds. How to build tolerance and how to understand behaviors. The course will introduce the 4 dimensions […]

Hydraulic Issues Related to Rehabilitation of Culverts

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  David Claman, P.E. - FHWA Resource Center Presentation Description: The design of culverts is dependent upon many factors that influence hydraulic capacity based on operating in inlet or outlet control. The presentation will discuss these factors and how the culvert hydraulic capacity is affected (or not) by […]

Dry Piney Wildlife Project

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Peter Stinchcomb - WYDOT Presentation Description: The Wyoming Department of Transportation along with the Wyoming Game and Fish and many NGO partners have teamed up and used concrete box culverts and a concrete arch culvert to increase the safety of Wyoming’s highways for not only its users […]

Pipe Show & Casino Night

Amina Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor

Location:  Amina Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show! […]

Product Testing

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Mark Taylor - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Learn about the proper methods to test pipe in Three-Edge Bearing (external load crushing strength) and learn about water-tightness testing and strength testing of joints. Test procedures for water tightness (air, vacuum, and hydrostatic), Off-Center Joint test and Joint Shear tests, and the […]

Drycast Production

Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor

Location:  Pheoris West B & C - 3rd Floor Speakers: Tom Umek - Independent Educational Consultant Larry Neumann - Northern Concrete Pipe Speaker Bios: Tom worked in production for 30 years. He has continued in the industry until today as a teacher, consultant, and salesman. Currently working as an independent consultant. Tom has been involved […]

QCast – Part 1

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Paul Krauss - Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Presentation Description: Most of us know why we should get QCast certified but struggle with getting started or with improving our scores. To assist you with overcoming these problems the ACPA has gone to the third-party auditing firm that conducts the QCast Plant […]

Pipe Installation Best Practices

Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Don McNutt, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Learn how properly adhering to ASTM installation standards for pipe will increase the longevity and value of infrastructure by reducing potential failures and decreasing maintenance costs. Gain an understanding of the differences that ACPA has […]

QCast – Part 2

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Paul Krauss - Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Presentation Description: Most of us know why we should get QCast certified but struggle with getting started or with improving our scores. To assist you with overcoming these problems the ACPA has gone to the third-party auditing firm that conducts the QCast […]

Conduit is the New Currency

Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Jeff Syar, P.E. - ODOT Presentation Description: The Ohio DOT has approximately 91,000 conduits consisting of culverts and storm sewers under pavement. Conduits are a tier one asset with a dedicated annual allocation consisting of 22 million dollars to address deficiencies identified by routine inspection […]

Final Exam

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Please bring your ID to the Final Exam  

Pipe and box design for INDOT using HY-8

Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Mark Bailey, P.E. - INDOT Presentation Description: which version of HY-8 INDOT requires and why (newer versions incorrectly calculate the hydraulics when in a sump condition) the various inputs used by INDOT for design in HY-8 and what we look for when selecting a proposed […]

Chairman’s Luncheon & Awards

Amina Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor

Location: Aminah Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor Description: The Award Luncheon will recognize the Journeyman, Mel Marshal Award, QCast, P3, IMPACT, RCPix, Chairman’s Safety and Quality Award Winners.