Plant Tour
Fred WeberLocation: Fred Weber Bus 1 departs Hyatt at 6:30 am Bus 2 departs at 6:40 am Bus 3 departs 6:50 am Buses 4 & 5 depart at 7:00 am Tours […]
Location: Fred Weber Bus 1 departs Hyatt at 6:30 am Bus 2 departs at 6:40 am Bus 3 departs 6:50 am Buses 4 & 5 depart at 7:00 am Tours […]
Location: Grand Ballroom B Speaker: James Freed, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: We all know the importance of having a resilient and sustainable development. But what does that mean? […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A Speaker: Michael Kremer - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description Giving a presentation is as much of an art as it is a science. Knowing your […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speaker: Dr. Ricardo Medina, P.E. - Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Presentation Description: Experience has shown that culvert crossings may be vulnerable to damage induced by natural […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A Speakers: Jim Gamble - Press-Seal Presentation Description: The presentation will provide you, as the contractor, manufacturer, or owner, with some tools to better understand what makes […]
Location: Grand Ballroom B Speaker: Margarita Takou, PhD, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Quality Control and Assurance of the precast infrastructure is streamlined with a […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speaker: Hank Gottschalk - CP&P Presentation Description: Every object that is submerged in a liquid will experience buoyant forces. Buried tanks, vaults, manholes, drainage inlets, pipes […]
Location: Grand Ballroom D and E VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A, B, and C Panel Leaders: Charlie Purcell, P.E. - IA DOT Khalil Jaber, P.E., PMP - NE DOT Michael Beer, P.E. - MN DOT
Location: Grand Ballroom A Speakers: Trygve Hoff, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Asset Management provides agency/owners both a long-term roadmap toward better supervision of asset […]
Location: Grand Ballroom B Speaker: Alan Siebenthaler - Hamilton Kent Presentation Description With the high costs of infrastructure, there is little doubt that watertight joints in underground conveyance and retention […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: Michelle O'Neill, P.E. - MDOT Mike Halloran, P.E. - MDOT Presentation Description: MDOT is in the early stages of developing an Ancillary Structures Asset Management […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A Speaker: Jennifer Harrell, P.E., ENV SP. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description One of the most valuable takeaways from any conference is the new contacts […]
Location: Grand Ballroom B Speaker: Kayla Hanson - Concrete Sealants Presentation Description: The term “corrosion” is typically associated with rusting steel or maybe even old batteries. However, other materials besides […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: Robert Trevis, P.E. - ODOT Presentation Description: Although historically overlooked, culverts are essential to the highway system and contribute to a safe and dependable transportation […]
Location: Grand Ballroom D and E VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe […]