Panel – Facing the Market: Challenges & Opportunities Ahead
Grand Ballroom A, B, and CLocation: Grand Ballroom A, B, and C Panel Leaders: Charlie Purcell, P.E. - IA DOT Khalil Jaber, P.E., PMP - NE DOT Michael Beer, P.E. - MN DOT
Location: Grand Ballroom A, B, and C Panel Leaders: Charlie Purcell, P.E. - IA DOT Khalil Jaber, P.E., PMP - NE DOT Michael Beer, P.E. - MN DOT
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Karl Josey - Oldcastle Speaker Bio: Karl is a Quality Control Department Manager for Oldcastle Infrastructure. He offices out of San Antonio, TX and is over the Quality Departments for 7 Texas plants. He has been in the industry since September1989. Karl started as an Engineering Technician for the Texas […]
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Rich Brewster - Northern Concrete Speaker Bio: Rich Brewster is Director of Quality Control for Northern Concrete Pipe, based in Bay City, Michigan. He’s been with Northern for eighteen years, and involved in the quality program for fifteen. Rich is responsible for developing and overseeing Northern's award winning quality control […]
Location: Grand Ballroom F and G Roundtable Leaders: DJ, Tom, Larry, Jake, John, Bill, Dan, & more
Location: Grand Ballroom A Speakers: Trygve Hoff, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Asset Management provides agency/owners both a long-term roadmap toward better supervision of asset inventories, as well as data necessary for logical material placement and usage. This information allows agencies to make sound engineering decisions backed by years of […]
Location: Grand Ballroom B Speaker: Alan Siebenthaler - Hamilton Kent Presentation Description With the high costs of infrastructure, there is little doubt that watertight joints in underground conveyance and retention systems should remain watertight for their functional life, which in most cases is at least 100 years. This has led to growing specification and inspection […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: Michelle O'Neill, P.E. - MDOT Mike Halloran, P.E. - MDOT Presentation Description: MDOT is in the early stages of developing an Ancillary Structures Asset Management program for 16 different structure types, including culverts under 10' in span. This presentation will provide an overview of the program, current tasks and initiatives, […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A Speaker: Jennifer Harrell, P.E., ENV SP. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description One of the most valuable takeaways from any conference is the new contacts made through networking. How do we meet someone at an event and then develop a business relationship? This presentation will cover how to be an […]
Location: Grand Ballroom B Speaker: Kayla Hanson - Concrete Sealants Presentation Description: The term “corrosion” is typically associated with rusting steel or maybe even old batteries. However, other materials besides metals are also capable of corrosion. In the right conditions, a phenomenon called microbial induced corrosion of concrete (MICC) can degrade concrete structures and severely […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: Robert Trevis, P.E. - ODOT Presentation Description: Although historically overlooked, culverts are essential to the highway system and contribute to a safe and dependable transportation system while contributing to Oregon’s economic success. The percentage of culvert failures are significantly on the rise each year bringing environmental and economic hardships to […]
Location: Grand Ballroom D and E VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees. With 28 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE, Inc. Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. He first became involved with industry-specific quality programs in1991, helping develop quality programs for several industry associations. He was involved with the original development of […]
Location: Grand Ballroom F Speaker: Peter Skinner - Press - Seal Corporation Speaker Bio: I am married; my wife Karisa is fantastic. We have three wonderful kids (11, 8, 5), three good dogs, and a cat, who’s just okay. I enjoy lifting in the mornings, my children’s sporting events, and I have recently taken up […]
Location: Grand Ballroom G Speakers: Tom Umek - Afinitas Larry Neumann - Northern Concrete Speaker Bios: Tom has worked in production for more than 30 years. He has continued in the industry until today as a teacher and consultant. Tom has been involved with the ACPA Short Course Schools since 1990 as a committee member […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: Maria Price, P.E.- City of Chattanooga Mike Kusch, P.E. - Foley Presentation Description: Michael Kusch reveals the SECRET he has mentored to many a successful TRE’s.The SECRET has opened many of doors to the Municipality Engineers and Private Consultants.It guarantees you slot #1 on the Technical Resource speed dial. The […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A and B Speaker: Britt Marchman - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: The majority of problems discovered in drainage projects can be traced back to installation errors. This makes pre-installation inspection one of the greatest tools available to prevent long-term problems in your construction projects. But whose responsibility is it? And what issues […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A and B Speaker: Palisha Sthapit - Oldcastle Infrastructure Presentation Description: Excavation and Trench Safety presentation will walk the attendees through OSHA's 29 CFR 1926 Construction Industry Regulations and Standards. The presentation gives an overview of different soil types, i.e. Stable Rock, Type A, Type B and Type C soil. The three […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: T. Mike Toole, P.E., PhD, F.ASCE - UT Presentation Description: Prevention through Design (PtD) is an emerging safety management technique in which the safety of construction and maintenance workers is explicitly considered during the design of a project. Also called Design for Safety and Safety by Design, PtD has applications […]
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Mark Taylor - Rinker Speaker Bio: Mark Taylor is a Region Quality Manager for Rinker Materials and is based in Alexandria, LA. He began working for Rinker Materials in May 2002 as Safety Coordinator and Quality Control Coordinator at the Alexandria Pipe plant. He has been in his current role […]
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speakers: Josh Beakley, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: English Churchman, Robert South, once said, “Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together.” For the past 17 years, through its annual Project Achievement Award, the American Concrete Pipe Association has celebrated the innovation put forth when state […]
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE, Inc. Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. He first became involved with industry-specific quality programs in1991, helping develop quality programs for several industry associations. He was involved with the original development of […]
Location: Grand Ballroom A and B Speaker: More information coming soon! Presentation Description: For members to attend and learn about QIP Speaker Bio: More information coming soon!
Location: Grand Ballroom C Speaker: Margarita Takou, PhD, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Quality Control and Assurance of the precast infrastructure is streamlined with a plethora of peer reviewed practices and tools that will be discussed during this presentation. These tools are available starting from production in the plant level […]
Location: Regency A and B Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE, Inc. Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. He first became involved with industry-specific quality programs in1991, helping develop quality programs for several industry associations. He was involved with the original development of […]
Location: Regency Ballroom Description: The Award Luncheon will recognize the Journeyman, Mel Marshal Award, QCast, Chairman’s Safety and Quality Award Winners.
Location: Regency A and B
Speaker: Alex Aldridge, P.E. - Oldcastle Infrastructure Presentation Description Do you know what is involved in the design of storm pipe for your projects? Would class III pipe be sufficient, or do you need a higher strength pipe? Is soil design required when you specify flexible pipe? What are the main differences in design of […]
Speaker: Riley Dvorak, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description We are fairly comfortable with installing RCP over 30' deep with proper design considerations - but what about the manholes the pipes connect to? This course will discuss important considerations to take into account when designing deep (round) precast structures, including: soil forces on manhole walls, […]
Speaker: James Freed, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: We all know the importance of having a resilient and sustainable development. But what does that mean? This session dives further into the factors that make up resilience and sustainability. We will look into how this has impacted the history of modern-day precast concrete and what […]
Speaker: Luke Assink, P.E. - WSDOT Presentation Description: WSDOT’s approach to a complete update to their Hydraulic Manual; including methods used, industry feedback and final changes. In addition, Luke will give insights to their plan for updates moving forward. Speaker Bio: Luke Assink is currently the Hydraulic Design Manager for the Washington State Department of […]
Speakers: Robert Trevis, P.E. - ODOT Presentation Description: Although historically overlooked, culverts are essential to the highway system and contribute to a safe and dependable transportation system while contributing to Oregon’s economic success. The percentage of culvert failures are significantly on the rise each year bringing environmental and economic hardships to Oregon’s local communities. - […]
Speaker: Kayla Hanson - Concrete Sealants Presentation Description: The term “corrosion” is typically associated with rusting steel or maybe even old batteries. However, other materials besides metals are also capable of corrosion. In the right conditions, a phenomenon called microbial induced corrosion of concrete (MICC) can degrade concrete structures and severely impact their structural integrity […]
Speaker: Trevis Hanson, C.E.T. - Canadian Concrete Pipe and Precast Association Presentation Description Discover how precast concrete box culverts are made using drycast and wetcast concrete. Learn about the different precast concrete box structures and how they are installed properly for long life and proper performance. See examples of unique installations including clam-shell boxes, three […]
Speaker: Palisha Sthapit - Oldcastle Infrastructure Presentation Description: Excavation and Trench Safety presentation will walk the attendees through OSHA's 29 CFR 1926 Construction Industry Regulations and Standards. The presentation gives an overview of different soil types, i.e. Stable Rock, Type A, Type B and Type C soil. The three different methods of identifying these soils […]
Speaker: Doug Kirk, P.E. - WV DOT Presentation Description: When the West Virginia Division of Highways updated Design Directives to use more concrete pipe, it seemed simple enough to add notes to the Fill Height Tables: “For fill heights that exceed those given for Class V pipe, contact a supplier for a special design.” However, […]
Speaker: Hank Gottschalk - CP&P Presentation Description: Every object that is submerged in a liquid will experience buoyant forces. Buried tanks, vaults, manholes, drainage inlets, pipes and culverts are no exception. A review of the potential buoyant forces and their impacts should be part of each and every design. This session will discuss buoyancy in […]
Speakers: Trygve Hoff, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Asset Management provides agency/owners both a long-term roadmap toward better supervision of asset inventories, as well as data necessary for logical material placement and usage. This information allows agencies to make sound engineering decisions backed by years of data, which in turn […]
Speaker: Jennifer Harrell, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description As budgets for drainage structure replacements are decreased, the importance of proper culvert installation increases. A public agency capable of properly installing Pipe provides resilient, sustainable infrastructure while protecting the interests, safety and health of the public they support. Learn how properly […]
Speaker: Mafe Pinzon, P.Eng. - Langley Concrete Presentation Description As cities grow, avoiding surface interruptions to install underground infrastructure has become a common practice. To accommodate future growth in cities and highly populated urban areas, contractors are more inclined to use trenchless installations over the traditional open-cut method due to their versatility and to minimize […]
Speakers: T. Mike Toole, P.E., PhD, F.ASCE - University of Toledo Presentation Description: Prevention through Design (PtD) is an emerging safety management technique in which the safety of construction and maintenance workers is explicitly considered during the design of a project. Also called Design for Safety and Safety by Design, PtD has applications in many […]
Speaker: Josh Beakley, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description Precast Box Culverts are a fast-growing segment of the precast culvert industry. These products have proven to be durable, and lend themselves well to accelerated bridge construction and the FHWA’s emphasis on “Every Day Counts” (EDC). However, unlike precast concrete pipe, box culverts do […]
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Rich Brewster - Northern Concrete Pipe Speaker Bio: Rich Brewster is Director of Quality Control for Northern Concrete Pipe, based in Bay City, Michigan. He’s been with Northern since 2004, and involved in the quality program since 2007. Rich is responsible for developing and overseeing Northern’s award winning quality control program, maintaining various […]
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: John Kallemeyn, P.E. - Rinker Materials Speaker Bio: John Kallemeyn is a 2008 graduate of University Minnesota Duluth with BS degree in Chemical Engineering. He is a registered professional engineer in the state of Minnesota and is currently based out of Maple Grove MN. His duties relate to concrete mix, materials, and […]
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: John Kallemeyn, P.E. - Rinker Materials Speaker Bio: John Kallemeyn is a 2008 graduate of University Minnesota Duluth with BS degree in Chemical Engineering. He is a registered professional engineer in the state of Minnesota and is currently based out of Maple Grove MN. His duties relate to concrete mix, materials, and […]
Location: Frisco 8, 9 Description: Registered ACPA Members Only
Location: Frisco 1-5 Speaker: Jason Dorsey - Center for Generational Kinetics Presented By: Besser Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Jason Dorsey’s passion is uncovering hidden insights and unexpected strategies that future-proof your organization. He has led nearly 100 benchmark research studies on four continents to separate myth from truth for leaders to take […]
Location: Frisco 7 and 8 Speakers: Bill Washabaugh - Northern Concrete Pipe Jake Jyrkama - Rinker Materials Speaker Bios: Jake is the Director of Quality Assurance for Rinker Materials and is responsible for maintaining and developing QA/QC standards, measurements, auditing, monitoring, benchmarking and optimization for all products sold and manufactured. He is also responsible for training and […]
Location: Frisco 9 Speaker: Eric Steele - Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute Presentation Description: What do inspirational leaders do? When we asked leaders around the world, regardless of generation, background, or culture, they invariably respond with the same list of actions. Inspirational leaders listen, build trust, grow people, and form lasting connections with the people in […]
Location: Frisco 1-5 Speaker: Don McNutt, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: The American Concrete Pipe Association has identified 16 attributes of Reinforced Concrete Pipe that are used in marketing of this product. This presentation will provide an introduction to each of these attributes to provide a foundation for presentations that will go […]
Location: Frisco 1-5 Speaker: Trygve Hoff, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Resilience stands as the bedrock of sustainable infrastructure, ensuring longevity and adaptability amid mounting challenges. In the face of climate change, natural disasters, and manmade disasters, resilient systems can withstand shocks, recover swiftly, and continue functioning efficiently. Integrating resilient […]
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Jake Jyrkama - Rinker Materials Speaker Bio: Jake is the Director of Quality Assurance for Rinker Materials and is responsible for maintaining and developing QA/QC standards, measurements, auditing, monitoring, benchmarking and optimization for all products sold and manufactured. He is also responsible for training and development of quality control personnel as well […]
Location: Frisco 8 Speaker: Bill Washabaugh - Northern Concrete Pipe Description: The course will begin with an overview and discussion on the purpose of reinforcing, the types and identifications, basic welding requirements, fabrication of cages, and the specifications that govern it. We will then focus on the common requirements of proper cage manufacturing following the ASTM […]
Location: Frisco Grand Ballroom VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees. With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!
Location: Frisco 1 Speaker: Jennifer Harrell, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Intrigued by the silent champions shaping our urban landscape? Embark on a user-friendly exploration of concrete pipes and boxes, the often-overlooked backbone of city infrastructure. This presentation is designed to engage not only the non-technical enthusiast but also provides valuable […]
Location: Frisco 2 Speaker: Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Schemionek – FBS / German Federal Association of Concrete Sewer System Presentation Description: The German Federal Association of Concrete Sewer Systems (FBS) represents the interests of its 20 member companies (85-90% market share), all of which are manufacturers of concrete pipes and man-holes. The main activities include the implementation and […]
Location: Frisco 3,4, 5 Speakers: Joe Black, P.E. - MnDOT Riley Dvorak, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Updating standards can be a tremendously tedious process that inevitably involves many stakeholders. Over the past 6 years, the Minnesota DOT (MnDOT) and the Minnesota Concrete Pipe (MNCPA) have engaged in a joint technical committee focused on […]
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Tom Greene - Saint-Gobain Const. Chemicals Speaker Bio: Tom is a Regional Technical Services Manager for GCP Applied Technologies based in Houston TX. Among his responsibilities are technical support to customers through out the Mid-West and Southwest US, testing and data analysis for new admixture development, troubleshooting concrete problems, and technical training. Tom has […]
Location: Frisco 8 Speaker: Bill Washabaugh - Northern Concrete Pipe Description: The course will begin with an overview and discussion on the purpose of reinforcing, the types and identifications, basic welding requirements, fabrication of cages, and the specifications that govern it. We will then focus on the common requirements of proper cage manufacturing following the ASTM guidelines […]
Location: Frisco 9 Speaker: Eric Steele - Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute Presentation Description: What do inspirational leaders do? When we asked leaders around the world, regardless of generation, background, or culture, they invariably respond with the same list of actions. Inspirational leaders listen, build trust, grow people, and form lasting connections with the people in […]
Location: Frisco 1 Speaker: Palisha Sthapit - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: This presentation discusses the methods to properly inspect drainage pipe and products before the installation process. It highlights the reasons for inspecting the pipe walking through various examples. This presentation provides the audience with a review of AASHTO R73, which provides excellent guidance on the […]
Location: Frisco 2 Speaker: James Freed, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Failing culvert? This presentation starts by looking at the two main forms of repair, replace, or rehabilitation: open cut and trenchless. Open cut being the most simple, will be only touched on in the beginning. The majority of this presentation will be looking […]
Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speakers: Adrianna Lash - Rinker Materials Amjad Alzubi, PE - AZ DOT Presentation Description: We will give a brief overview of the new Arizona DOT precast reinforced box culvert standard drawings and specification published May 2023, how the conversation was initiated, and why the standard drawings and specification were needed in Arizona. […]
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Tom Greene - Saint-Gobain Const. Chemicals Speaker Bio: Tom is a Regional Technical Services Manager for GCP Applied Technologies based in Houston TX. Among his responsibilities are technical support to customers through out the Mid-West and Southwest US, testing and data analysis for new admixture development, troubleshooting concrete problems, and technical training. […]
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Rich Brewster - Northern Concrete Pipe Speaker Bio: Rich Brewster is Director of Quality Control for Northern Concrete Pipe, based in Bay City, Michigan. He’s been with Northern since 2004, and involved in the quality program since 2007. Rich is responsible for developing and overseeing Northern’s award winning quality control program, maintaining various plant […]
Location: Frisco 2 Speaker: Henry Lu, P.Eng. - Heidelberg Materials Presentation Description: From a precaster's perspective, this presentation aims to provide some intro-level knowledge in the micro-tunneling industry, such as common terminologies/methods, key definitions & feature for microtunnelling RCPs, a sample structural design, and to share a few tips for project management, pipe production and […]
Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker: Ed Lilla, P.E. - WisDOT Presentation Description: After over 10 years of discussions and an ad hoc project by project approach to addressing Aquatic Connectivity (also known as Aquatic Organism Passage or AOP), in 2021 the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources issued an attachment to […]
Location: Frisco 1 Speaker: Al Hogan, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: In this discussion we will consider all the various components of a good storm pipe specification. Good specifications and details are good for the owner, engineer, contractor, and even the end users. We will discuss how to minimize risk as well […]
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Rich Brewster - Northern Concrete Pipe Speaker Bio: Rich Brewster is Director of Quality Control for Northern Concrete Pipe, based in Bay City, Michigan. He’s been with Northern since 2004, and involved in the quality program since 2007. Rich is responsible for developing and overseeing Northern’s award winning quality control program, maintaining various plant […]
Location: Frisco Grand Ballroom VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees. With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!
Location: Frisco 2-5 Speakers: Taylor Nielson, P.E. - City of Ogden, UT Wes Musgrove, P.E. - IA DOT Patricia Wadsack - City of Fort Worth Edward Ofori, P.E.- FHWA Graham Bettis, P.E. - TX DOT Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bios: More information coming soon!
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Matt Steen - Oldcastle Infrastructure Speaker Bio: Matthew is a Regional Quality Manager for Oldcastle Infrastructure. He offices out of Hancock MN and is over the Quality Department for the Upper Midwest Region. Matthew has been in the precast concrete industry since 2019. Matthew Started his professional career as a McDonalds Owner Operator for […]
Location: Frisco 8 and 9 Roundtable Leaders: More information coming soon!
Location: Frisco 2-5 Speaker: Lance Simmons, P.E. - TxDOT Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: More information coming soon!
Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Matt Steen - Oldcastle Infrastructure Speaker Bio: Matthew is a Regional Quality Manager for Oldcastle Infrastructure. He offices out of Hancock MN and is over the Quality Department for the Upper Midwest Region. Matthew has been in the precast concrete industry since 2019. Matthew Started his professional career as a McDonalds Owner Operator for […]
Location: Frisco 8-9