Welcome Session | Keynote Speaker

Frisco 7, 8, 9

Location:  Frisco 7, 8, & 9 Event Evaluations:  UNIQUE URL (to SurveyMonkey) <-- Many URLs created Welcome to the 2022 Pipe School! Hear from the Chairman of the Board, ACPA President, Education Committee Chair, and two keynote speakers as they kick the week off with messages of inspiration. Speakers Branimir Kovac - ACPA Chairman of […]

Army Corps Engineering Manual & AREMA Specs

Frisco 1

Location:  Frisco 1 Speakers:  Margarita Takou, PhD, P.E. & Josh Beakley, P.E. - ACPA Presentation Description When you think of national standards for reinforced concrete pipe and box culverts, AASHTO and ASTM are the two associations that usually come to mind. However, there are other national standards bodies that have their own specifications to follow when […]

Packerhead & Box Culvert Reinforcement – Monday

Frisco 8

Location:  Frisco 8 Description The course will begin with an overview and discussion on the purpose of reinforcing, the types and identifications, basic welding requirements, fabrication of cages, and the specifications that govern it. We will then focus on the common requirements of proper cage manufacturing following the ASTM guidelines for tolerances and Permissible Variations […]

Performance Management – Monday

Frisco 9

Location:  Frisco 9 Description Inspire – Become the leader you want to follow. Inspirational leadership training doesn’t begin by learning a new set of skills or behaviors but rather by learning what inspires and motivates you. In this course you will have the opportunity to define your individual value sets to increase self-awareness and authenticity, […]

Flooded Backfill

Frisco 2

Location:  Frisco 2 Speaker:  Wes Musgrove - IowaDOT Presentation Description When backfilling and compaction by flooding is required, backfill may be placed in lifts up to 2 feet thick. Place backfill simultaneously on both sides of culvert. Determine if pipe culverts need to be restrained and take appropriate actions to prevent floating of culverts during […]

Hydraulics for Non-Engineers

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location:  Frisco 3, 4, & 5 Speaker:  Don McNutt, PE - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description This class will cover basic hydraulics of piping systems and roadway culverts without getting into deep theory and calculations. This class will discuss how engineers determine the flow requirements of a closed system or open culvert. How pipe […]


Frisco 7

Location:  Frisco 7

Pipe Show – Monday

Frisco 6

Location:  Frisco 6 VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With 28 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!

TXDOT Strategic Vision & Goals

Frisco 2

Location:  Frisco 2 Speaker:  Brian Barth, P.E. - TxDOT Presentation Description Brian Barth is the Deputy Executive Director for Program Delivery for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), responsible for overseeing all program and project delivery for the Department. A member of the TxDOT family since 1988, Barth began his career as an engineering assistant […]

Plant Equipment & Quality Control

Frisco 1

Location:  Frisco 1 Speakers:  Scott Kennedy - BESSER Presentation Description Plant equipment plays a critical role in product quality. Understanding its proper operation, maintenance, capabilities, and limitations is paramount to consistently producing high quality concrete products. Speaker Bio Scott owned and operated his family’s Besser-equipped pipe plant in North Carolina for over twenty years, successfully […]

Antitrust Laws

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location:  Frisco 3, 4, & 5 Speaker:  Nathan Breen, Esq - Howe & Hutton  

Packerhead & Box Culvert Reinforcement – Tuesday 1

Frisco 8

Location:  Frisco 8 Description The course will begin with an overview and discussion on the purpose of reinforcing, the types and identifications, basic welding requirements, fabrication of cages, and the specifications that govern it. We will then focus on the common requirements of proper cage manufacturing following the ASTM guidelines for tolerances and Permissible Variations […]

Performance Management – Tuesday 1

Frisco 9

Location:  Frisco 9 Description Inspire – Become the leader you want to follow. Inspirational leadership training doesn’t begin by learning a new set of skills or behaviors but rather by learning what inspires and motivates you. In this course you will have the opportunity to define your individual value sets to increase self-awareness and authenticity, […]

Headlight Inspection Program

Frisco 2

Location:  Frisco 2 Speaker:  Tyson Rupnow, PhD - LADOTD Presentation Description Traditionally, DOTD has relied on a primarily paper-based process for field data collection. Mobile technology (defined as hardware and software that can be used in concert to allow integrated data collection, access to project-related information, and realtime communication capabilities) continues to improve and become more […]

Reading Underground Pipe Construction Plans

Frisco 1

Location:  Frisco 1 Speakers:  Larry Mauck, P.E. - Pretech Course Description: This presentation will define key components that are required to properly takeoff a project (tools needed, key symbols, profile vs plan view, etc.), identify plan and specification sheets required to conduct a proper takeoff, identify important elements required for proper pipe takeoff, and how […]

Successful Contractor Training

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location:  Frisco 3, 4, & 5 Speaker:  Hank Gottschalk - Concrete Pipe & Precast (CP&P) Presentation Description One of the biggest advantages that Reinforced Concrete Pipe provides is the difference in installation requirements when compared to alternate flexible pipe materials. It is an important dialog to have with all stakeholders to be able to promote […]


Frisco 7

Location:  Frisco 7

2D Hydraulic Modeling – The First Step in Transportation Resiliency

Frisco 2

Location:  Frisco 2 Speaker:  J.R. Taylor - MDT Presentation Description This presentation will focus on the benefits of 2-Dimensional (2D) Hydraulic Modeling and highlight how this advancement in engineering technology can help hydraulic engineers design for the future and build sustainable resilience into our transportation system. A basic introduction to 2D hydraulic modeling will be included. […]

Lessons Learned (Live Demo)

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location:  Frisco 3, 4, & 5 Speaker:  Steve Smart (County Materials) | John Susong, PE (Rinker Materials) Presentation Description Coming soon! Speaker Bio Steve Smart Steve is a Technical Resource Engineer for County Materials Corporation based out of Indianapolis, IN. Responsible for providing technical services for the states of Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. County Materials […]


Pipe Show – Tuesday – Lunch

Frisco 6

Location:  Frisco 6 VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With 28 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!

ASTM D2321: A City Attorney’s Opinion

Frisco 1

Location:  Frisco 1 Speakers:  Michael Kusch - Foley Products Course Description As we know ASTM D 2321 has nearly 2 dozen references as to the duties of “the engineer” to ensure a proper thermoplastic pipe installation, but who is “the engineer” if a city approves a flip from RCP to HP/ HDPE against the wishes […]


Frisco 7

Location:  Frisco 7

Packerhead & Box Culvert Reinforcement – Tuesday 2

Frisco 8

Location:  Frisco 8 Description The course will begin with an overview and discussion on the purpose of reinforcing, the types and identifications, basic welding requirements, fabrication of cages, and the specifications that govern it. We will then focus on the common requirements of proper cage manufacturing following the ASTM guidelines for tolerances and Permissible Variations […]

Performance Management – Tuesday 2

Frisco 9

Location:  Frisco 9 Description Inspire – Become the leader you want to follow. Inspirational leadership training doesn’t begin by learning a new set of skills or behaviors but rather by learning what inspires and motivates you. In this course you will have the opportunity to define your individual value sets to increase self-awareness and authenticity, […]

Packerhead Production – Tuesday

Frisco 8

Location:  Frisco 8 Description This course will guide you through the entire manufacturing process of making reinforced concrete pipe on a Packerhead machine. We will go through an overview of the machine and how to avoid potential problems in your plant, discuss machine alignment, rollerhead maintenance, hydraulics and electrical systems to keep the machinery running. […]

Safety Management – Tuesday

Frisco 9

Location:  Frisco 9 Description The safety courses offered this year will focus on proper fall protection, proactive environmental management and safety is a personal responsibility.

DOT Design vs Construction

Frisco 2

Location:  Frisco 2 Speaker:  Craig Stevens - DelDOT Presentation Description The focus of this presentation will be communication between the design sections and the construction sections. Craig Stevens is the Bridge Design Engineer with 18 years of experience at DelDOT.  Craig will provide insight into the different topics relating to precast concrete construction and design, address […]

ASTM C13: What You Need to Know

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location:  Frisco 3, 4, & 5 Speaker:  Jimmy Farrell - ASTM Presentation Description This presentation will give a brief overview of the organization, ASTM International. It will then explain the standards development process. After that, it will detail the structure of committee C13 on Concrete Pipe. The remainder of the presentation will focus on your […]

Concrete Pipe & Pipe Design

Frisco 1

Location:  Frisco 1 Speakers:  Trevis Hanson, C.E.T. - Canada Concrete Pipe & Precast Association Presentation Description Concrete pipes are the backbone of our precast industry. Concrete Pipe and Pipe Design presentation starts with a walk thru the early years of the use of concrete by the Romans and shows the evolution towards the multiple applications […]


Frisco 2

Location:  Frisco 2 Speaker:  Dan Miller, PE - ODOT Presentation Description The AASHTO Committee on Materials and Pavements provides a forum for the development and exchange of information related to materials testing, specification, and performance; as well as to promote the use of new materials and develop and recommend methods of testing for such materials.  Technical Subcommittee 4a provides those […]


Frisco 7

Location:  Frisco 7