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Box Culvert – Drainage Improvements along I-94 in Valley City

February 11 @ 3:00 pm - 3:55 pm EST

Location: Kojo Kamau B, C – 4th Floor

Speakers:  Michael E. Johnson, P.E. – NDDOT
Brandon Barnes – Barr Engineering Co.

Presentation Description:

Improvements to the drainage system along I94 were required because the existing storm sewer, constructed in the mid-1960s, was undersized and had reached the end of its design life. Site constraints, including a building immediately adjacent to the storm pipe prevented replacement along the existing alignment. Faced with limited right of way, high groundwater, and poor soils, NDDOT began the process of evaluating options for improving drainage. We’ll share lessons learned during design and construction as NDDOT navigated corridor filled with surprises including an historic dump site, unmarked geothermal system, and contaminated soil and groundwater. From old (very old) whiskey bottles to tanker trucks (lots of trucks), we’ll share the many obstacles overcome during construction of the new system to improve drainage in Valley City.

Speaker Bios:

Michael serves as an Assistant Design Engineer in NDDOT’s Design Division.  His team serves as the lead roadway design group for NDDOT, delivering projects of varied scope, scale and complexity across the State Highway system.  In his time at NDDOT, he has also been a lead designer himself, a Project Manager for several projects and the MPO Coordinator.  Michael has been with NDDOT for 20 years.

Brandon is a Vice President and Senior Water Resources Engineer with Barr Engineering Company and has more than 18 years of experience providing a wide range of water-resource management services. A highly regarded hydrologic and hydraulic modeler, his project work includes design of storm sewer systems, coincidental-frequency analyses, and one- and two-dimensional hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for stormwater, storm sewer, flood-protection, floodplain, drainage, and watershed-improvement projects. He enjoys evaluating existing systems and identifying strategies to optimize system performance. For drainage improvements near Valley City, Brandon was the Project Manager of an interdisciplinary team that worked with NDDOT to modify the existing drainage system to improve conveyance and reduce flood-risk for existing infrastructure in the area.


Kojo Kamau B,C – 4th Floor