Jacking Pipe Under Highways & Railroads

Frisco 1

Location: Frisco 1 Speaker:  Aiden Rajswing, P.E. - Thompson Pipe Group Presentation Description: Trenchless methods are popular in the industry especially when reducing impact on the community and transportation systems is required. A common trenchless method for installation of Reinforced Concrete Pipe is Pipe Jacking. Pipe Jacking involves tunneling through the soil without disturbance to the […]

All about LCAs, EPDs, and Their Use in Procurement

Frisco 2

Location: Frisco 2 Speaker: Lianna Miller - WAP Sustainability Presentation Description: The session will simplify the alphabet soup of EPDs, LCA, and PCRs. It will provide useful context of how EPDs are being used by the concrete pipe industry, giving an overview of current drivers, including the Inflation Reduction Act, GSA procurement programs, EPA funding, FHWA […]

Bridge Replacement with Box Culverts

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker:  Wes Musgrove, P.E. - Iowa DOT Presentation Description: Wes will discuss Iowa's innovative and cost-effective use of both precast pipe and box culverts as a replacement for aging structures.  This presentation will include both immediate and long-term cost-savings and efficiencies of Iowa's unique and streamlined construction approach. Speaker Bio: Wes […]

Networking and Relationship Building

Frisco 1

Location: Frisco 1 Speaker:  Grayson Huskey. - Texas Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio:  Grayson Huskey, a University of North Texas alumnus, is the South-Central Region Director for the American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA), where he contributes to increasing the market share of Reinforced Concrete Pipe and Precast Box Culverts in […]

New ASTM Standard of Design for Low Head Pressure Pipe

Frisco 2

Location: Frisco 2 Speaker: Margarita Takou, Ph.D., P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: On this session the design method for the low head pressure pipe based on the newly published ASTM C1924, Practice for Design of Buried Precast Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe will be analyzed. Applied loads and pressure distributions, design conditions […]

Deep Fill Boxes

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker:  Adam Gillipsie, P.E. - WVDOT Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: More information coming soon!

Pipe Show – Lunch

Frisco Grand Ballroom

Location:  Frisco Grand Ballroom VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!


Frisco 7

Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Tom Umek Speaker Bio: Tom worked in production for 30 years. He has continued in the industry until today as a teacher, consultant, and salesman. Currently working with CAM Products and Hawkeye Pedershaab, both are divisions of Afinitas. Tom has been involved with the ACPA Short Course Schools since 1995 as a committee […]

Roundtable Safety Discussions

Frisco 9

Location: Frisco 9 Speakers: Todd Marciniak - Northern Concrete Pipe Robert Strickland - Concrete Pipe & Precast John Puzz - County Materials Description: Discussions and communication within every part of the manufacturing process are how our companies and our industry thrive. Safety is an important part of every part of the manufacturing process, and for safety […]

Packerhead Production

Frisco 8

Location: Frisco 8 Speakers:  Scott Kennedy - BESSER Dave Tuchscherer - Rinker Materials Description: This course will guide you through the entire manufacturing process of making reinforced concrete pipe on a Packerhead machine. We will go through an overview of the machine and how to avoid potential problems in your plant, discuss machine alignment, rollerhead maintenance, […]

Box Culvert Installation

Frisco 2

Location: Frisco 2 Speaker: Don McNutt, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Don has over 40 years of experience in the precast industry as a quality control manager, production engineer, design engineer, engineering manager and chief operating officer. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from The […]

Next Level Presentations: Enhancing Your PowerPoint Skills

Frisco 1

Location: Frisco 1 Speaker: Michael Kremer - American Concrete Pipe Association Tryg Hoff, P.E. ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Crafting an effective PowerPoint presentation harnesses the power of visual communication to captivate and inform audiences. Through strategic use of multimedia elements, concise text, and compelling visuals, presenters can convey complex ideas […]

Work Zone Safety, Technology, and Construction Partnering

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker:  Skip Powe, P.E. - Alabama Road Builders Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Skip is the Executive Director of the Alabama Road Builders Association, assuming this role in February 2023. Overall, he has over 31 years of experience in the construction and contract administration industry. He served […]

Repairs & Finishing

Frisco 7

Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. He first became involved with industry-specific quality programs in 1991, helping develop quality programs for several industry associations. He was involved with the original development of the ACPA QCast Program […]

General Precast Production Facility Safety

Frisco 9

Location: Frisco 9 Speakers: Todd Marciniak - Northern Concrete Pipe Robert Strickland - Concrete Pipe & Precast Description: Open safety toolbox talks, and training are often focused on specific or required topics. Yes, specific training of a task or a process is part of general plant safety. But how often do we talk about all the […]

Essentials of RCP Joints and Gaskets

Frisco 2

Location: Frisco 2 Speakers: Marcus Barnett- Hamilton Kent Alan Siebenathaler - AS3 Precast Sales Presentation Description: Quick Summary: The key learning objectives of this presentation: 1) Understand the value of watertight joints 2) Distinguish the differences between typical joint designs in the concrete pipe industry 3) Recognize the variety of gaskets available for each joint design 4) […]

Resilience Planning

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker:  Nicholas Olson, P.E. - MN DOT Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: More information coming soon!  

Antitrust: Understanding Your Risk

Frisco 1

Location:  Frisco 1 Speaker:  Jonathon Howe, Esq. - Howe & Hutton Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: JONATHAN T. HOWE, ESQ. is the President and Founding Partner of Howe & Hutton, Ltd., a law firm with offices in Chicago, McLean VA and Washington, D.C. Howe & Hutton, Ltd., a law firm with offices in […]

Product Testing

Frisco 7

Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Mark Taylor - Rinker Materials Speaker Bio: Mark Taylor is the East Region Quality Manager for Rinker Materials and is based in Alexandria, LA. He began working for Rinker Materials in May 2002 as Safety Coordinator and Quality Control Coordinator at the Rinker Alexandria Pipe facility. He has been in his current role as […]

Understanding the Difference Between a Near Miss, Incident, and Accident

Frisco 9

Location: Frisco 9 Speaker: Todd Marciniak - Northern Concrete Pipe Description: It is important that everyone knows and understands safety terminology and how to approach different situations. Not utilizing safe work practices can create situations where we encounter incidents, accidents, and near misses. The safety terms (accident, incident, and near miss) used to distinguish events are frequently […]

Association Involvement

Frisco 1

Location: Frisco 1 Speaker:  Joe Chevrier - Georgia Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Joe works closely with the concrete pipe industry professionals from across the state to assist & support local municipalities, DOT engineers, and other public & private stakeholders in meeting their critical infrastructure needs. As State Engineer for […]

Changes to the AASHTO Design Service Life

Frisco 2

Location: Frisco 2 Speaker:  Josh Beakley, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: This past summer, the AASHTO Committee on Bridges and Structures approved the incorporation of 100 year material design properties for some thermoplastic pipes. AASHTO does not require a 100 year service life, so this is somewhat unique. What service life should be […]

ASTM Committee C13 on Concrete Pipe and the Value of your Participation

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker:  Jimmy Farrell - ASTM International Presentation Description: This presentation is aimed at demonstrating the value of participating in ASTM International standards development, particularly for regulators. ASTM committees are made up of volunteer members who participate in all aspects of an industry, and the more voices that participate, the more relevant […]

Pipe Show & Casino Night

Frisco Grand Ballroom

Location:  Frisco Grand Ballroom VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show! The Casino Night, presented […]

QCast – Part 1

Frisco 7

Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. He first became involved with industry-specific quality programs in 1991, helping develop quality programs for several industry associations. He was involved with the original development of the ACPA QCast […]

Operations Management

Frisco 9

Location: Frisco 9 Speakers:  Archie Heikkila - Rinker Materials Israel Cedillo - Rinker Materials Chris Sampson - Rinker Materials Martin Wieland - Wiggert/ACT William Felske - Rinker Materials Description: This course will lay the foundation for ensuring effective plant operations. We will discuss plant limitations and strengths in personnel, machinery, inventory and shipping. The objective of […]

Box Production

Frisco 8

Location: Frisco 8 Speakers: Tom Umek - IEC Larry Neumann - Northern Concrete Pipe Description: This course will guide you through the entire manufacturing process of making reinforced concrete boxes. We have cages, we have concrete and now we must put it in a form and efficiently produce high quality boxes. Master the correct way to […]

Outside the Box: Alternative Uses of Box

Frisco 1

Location: Frisco 1 Speaker:  Steve Smart - County Materials Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Steve is a Technical Resource Engineer for County Materials Corporation based out of Indianapolis, IN responsible for providing technical services for the states of Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. County Materials is a full service producer of concrete pipe, precast […]

Engineering Ethics

Frisco 2

Location: Frisco 2 Speaker: Ron Reichert - AmeriTex Pipe & Products Presentation Description: Our behavior, both personally and professionally, is a culmination of values and morals we have been taught and learned since we were born. Some of these influences were subtle, some were overt, but all helped create who we are and helped construct our […]

Peanut Roundabout: Safer Way to the Beach

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker:  Aaron L. Grant, P.E. - AL DOT Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Graduated from the University of Alabama in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Spent three and half years working in the Bridge Rating and Load Testing section of ALDOT Maintenance Bureau. Transferred […]

QCast – Part 2

Frisco 7

Location: Frisco 7 Speaker: Paul Krauss - WJE Speaker Bio: Paul has worked for the nationally-acclaimed consulting engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) since 1988. He first became involved with industry-specific quality programs in 1991, helping develop quality programs for several industry associations. He was involved with the original development of the ACPA QCast Program […]

Building the Dream Team

Frisco 1

Location: Frisco 1 Speaker:  Trevor McDonald, P.E. CFM, ENV SP - Mountain States Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: The greatest sports team ever assembled was arguably the 1992 US Men’s Olympic basketball team. They were able to pull together the greatest collection of basketball talent on the planet. Because of their outstanding success on the […]

Concrete Pipe Design Basics

Frisco 2

Location: Frisco 2 Speaker:  Melitza E. Avila - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Explore the Fundamentals of Direct and Indirect Design Methods in Reinforced Concrete Pipe Systems. Delve into the comprehensive array of tools and resources for Indirect Design, including the American Concrete Pipe Association's Fill Height Table and the web-based Pipe Pac program. Gain insights into […]

Resilient Design

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker:  Jeremy Bowers, P.E., S.E. - SG&H Presentation Description: Learn about how resilience, sustainability, and recovery can be incorporated into design. The increased occurrence of wildfires and floods in the United States has highlighted the need to develop an approach to design resilient culvert and storm sewer pipe. The serviceability […]

Shifting Paradigms in a Shifting World

Frisco 1

Location: Frisco 1 Speaker:  Jason Allen, P.E. - Oldcastle Infrastructure Presentation Description: The world is changing, and nowhere is this more evident than in the construction and manufacturing industry. The way our profession is perceived and the way we perceive the world has changed dramatically in the last 30 years. In this presentation, Jason Allen will […]

Soils on the Jobsite

Frisco 2

Location: Frisco 2 Speaker: Karl Beckemeier, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Soils are a critical component of all construction projects and are important to all types of pipe installations. It is important to understand how the information found in various references and guides on soils relates to what might be seen on a project site, […]

Value of ACPA Training for District Operations

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker:  Bryan Czech, P.E. - GA DOT Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Bryan is a 1996 Civil Engineering Technology Graduate of Georgia Southern University. He has over 27 years of experience working for the Georgia Department of Transportation, from Project Inspector/Manager to Construction Liaison to the State […]

ACPA Resources and Education

Frisco 1

Location: Frisco 1 Speakers:  Alicia Hodges - American Concrete Pipe Association Chelsea Fitzgerald - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Explore the new ACPA website, members' portal, and learning center to familiarize yourself with the wealth of resources and tools available to you. Discover where to locate the most commonly accessed resources, engage with the […]

Pipe Installation

Frisco 3, 4, 5

Location: Frisco 3, 4, 5 Speaker: David Matocha - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Like anything in life, there is a right way and a wrong way to do something.  Installing concrete pipe is no different.  This presentation will touch on basic concrete pipe concepts and the benefits of proper installation.  Trench fundamentals along the purpose […]

Chairman’s Luncheon & Awards

Frisco Grand Ballroom

Location: Frisco Grand Ballroom Description: The Award Luncheon will recognize the Journeyman, Mel Marshal Award, QCast, Chairman’s Safety and Quality Award Winners.

Pre-Installation Inspection

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Palisha Sthapit - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: This presentation discusses the methods to properly inspect drainage pipe and products before the installation process. It highlights the reasons for inspecting the pipe walking through various examples. This presentation provides the audience with a review of AASHTO R73, which provides excellent guidance on the evaluation […]

Pipe Installation

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker: David Matocha - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Like anything in life, there is a right way and a wrong way to do something.  Installing concrete pipe is no different.  This presentation will touch on basic concrete pipe concepts and the benefits of proper installation.  Trench fundamentals along the purpose of foundation, bedding […]

New ASTM Standard of Design for Low Head Pressure Pipe

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker: Margarita Takou, Ph.D., P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: On this session the design method for the low head pressure pipe based on the newly published ASTM C1924, Practice for Design of Buried Precast Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe will be analyzed. Applied loads and pressure distributions, design conditions and […]

Box Culvert Design

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker: Brian Jenner, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Precast Concrete Box Culverts are an important part of the United States Infrastructure.  Their main purpose is to convey water under roadways.  They are also used as pedestrian tunnels, utility tunnels, wildlife passages, and many other uses. They are buried in the ground and […]

Box Culvert Installation & Alternate Uses of Box

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Steve Smart - County Materials Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Steve is a Technical Resource Engineer for County Materials Corporation based out of Indianapolis, IN responsible for providing technical services for the states of Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. County Materials is a full service producer of concrete pipe, precast box […]


Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Henry Lu, P.Eng. - Heidelberg Materials Presentation Description: From a precaster's perspective, this presentation aims to provide some intro-level knowledge in the micro-tunneling industry, such as common terminologies/methods, key definitions & feature for microtunnelling RCPs, a sample structural design, and to share a few tips for project management, pipe production and QC. […]

Virtual Plant Tour – Greenfield, IN

Experience a concrete pipe plant tour virtually. See everything from the aggregate to the final product and hear insights from industry experts. Key Takeaways 1. Understand the basic process of making a concrete pipe from start to finish 2. See the core components of concrete pipe (i.e. steel, aggregate, cement, etc.) 3. Learn about the measures […]

Post-Installation Inspection

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Al Hogan, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: Our Post Installation Inspection (PII) and Evaluation will cover topics to help the student better understand importance of Post Installation Inspection & Evaluation to all Infrastructure Stakeholders, provide guidance on the assignment of responsibility for the PII and the Evaluation process, and review National […]

Culvert Repair and Replacements

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker: James Freed, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Failing culvert? This presentation starts by looking at the two main forms of repair, replace, or rehabilitation: open cut and trenchless. Open cut being the most simple, will be only touched on in the beginning. The majority of this presentation will be looking at: […]

Deep Fill Boxes

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Adam Gillipsie, P.E. - WVDOT Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: More information coming soon!

Bridge Replacement with Box Culverts

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Wes Musgrove, P.E. - Iowa DOT Presentation Description: Wes will discuss Iowa's innovative and cost-effective use of both precast pipe and box culverts as a replacement for aging structures.  This presentation will include both immediate and long-term cost-savings and efficiencies of Iowa's unique and streamlined construction approach. Speaker Bio: Wes holds a Bachelor […]

Engineering Ethics

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker: Ron Reichert - AmeriTex Pipe & Products Presentation Description: Our behavior, both personally and professionally, is a culmination of values and morals we have been taught and learned since we were born. Some of these influences were subtle, some were overt, but all helped create who we are and helped construct our moral […]

Shifting Paradigms in a Shifting World

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Jason Allen, P.E. - Oldcastle Infrastructure Presentation Description: The world is changing, and nowhere is this more evident than in the construction and manufacturing industry. The way our profession is perceived and the way we perceive the world has changed dramatically in the last 30 years. In this presentation, Jason Allen will explain […]

Resilient Design

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Jeremy Bowers, P.E., S.E. - SG&H Presentation Description: Learn about how resilience, sustainability, and recovery can be incorporated into design. The increased occurrence of wildfires and floods in the United States has highlighted the need to develop an approach to design resilient culvert and storm sewer pipe. The serviceability of these systems […]

Peanut Roundabout: Safer Way to the Beach

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Aaron L. Grant, P.E. - AL DOT Presentation Description: More information coming soon! Speaker Bio: Graduated from the University of Alabama in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Spent three and half years working in the Bridge Rating and Load Testing section of ALDOT Maintenance Bureau. Transferred to the Construction […]

Concrete Pipe Design Basics

Frisco 2

Location: Virtual Speaker:  Melitza E. Avila - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Explore the Fundamentals of Direct and Indirect Design Methods in Reinforced Concrete Pipe Systems. Delve into the comprehensive array of tools and resources for Indirect Design, including the American Concrete Pipe Association's Fill Height Table and the web-based Pipe Pac program. Gain insights into the […]

Advantages of Collaboration with Producers

Encore 2024

Location: Virtual Speakers:  Joe Black, P.E. - MnDOT Riley Dvorak, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Updating standards can be a tremendously tedious process that inevitably involves many stakeholders. Over the past 6 years, the Minnesota DOT (MnDOT) and the Minnesota Concrete Pipe (MNCPA) have engaged in a joint technical committee focused on updating and […]

New Attendee Orientation

Pheoris West A & B - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris A & B - 3rd Floor Description: Registered ACPA Members Only  

Opening Ceremonies & Keynote Speaker

Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor

Location:Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Shelley Row, P.E., CSP - Blue Fjord Leaders Presentation Description: Decision-making can be challenging to get just right. Decisions can be made too fast or too slow. Neuroscience provides insight into the powerful internal forces that sway decisions whether you know it or not. If you […]

Quality School Introductions

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Rich Brewster - Northern Concrete Pipe Speaker Bio: Rich Brewster is Director of Quality Control for Northern Concrete Pipe, based in Bay City, Michigan. He’s been with Northern since 2004 and has been involved in the quality program since 2007. Rich is responsible for developing and overseeing Northern’s award […]

INSPIRE: Inspired Leadership and Listening

Pheoris West B - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West B - 3rd Floor Speaker: Eric Steele - Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute Presentation Description: What do inspirational leaders do? When we asked leaders around the world, regardless of generation, background, or culture, they invariably respond with the same list of actions. Inspirational leaders listen, build trust, grow people, and form lasting connections […]

Drycast Reinforcement

Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor

Location:  Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor Speaker: Bill Washabaugh - Northern Concrete Jake Jyrkama - Rinker Materials Speaker Bio: Bill works at Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc. in Michigan, a family owned business for over 64 years. He is the 101st & 113th Chairman of the ACPA Board of Directors. Bill is a member of […]

Unrivaled Durability of Concrete Pipe

Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Karen Thompson - Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia Presentation Description: Unrivaled Durability of Concrete Pipe Proven The Australian Concrete Pipe Association has in recent years conducted field investigation and laboratory analysis of aged installed concrete pipe to provide evidence of the products unrivalled durability in […]


Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Tom Greene - GCP Applied Technologies Presentation Description: Admixtures for concrete continue to be an ever-increasing part of our concrete production. This presentation will give you a thorough introduction to admixtures for both wet and dry cast concrete. During this course you will gain a knowledge of admixtures, along […]

Building Tomorrow Today: Story of the ACPA

Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor Presenters:  Michael Kremer - American Concrete Pipe Association Dena Silva - American Concrete Pipe Association Trygve Hoff, P.E., ENV SP - American Concrete Pipe Association Steve Hawkins, AIA - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: The story of the ACPA isn't just about yesterday, it's also […]


Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Tom Greene - GCP Applied Technologies Presentation Description: Learn the fundamentals of Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC). In addition to a brief history of SCC, this presentation will include a discussion of the properties, admixes, benefits, cautions, testing requirements, and special production requirements for SCC. Speaker Bio: Tom is a […]

Pipe Show

Amina Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor

Location: Aminah Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor VIEW THE EXHIBITOR LIST The Pipe Show is a trade show created exclusively for the concrete pipe industry and is open for all Pipe School attendees.  With over 25 exhibitors showcasing their products, services, and people, there is something for everyone to see at the Pipe Show!

Reinforcement 1

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Jake Jyrkama - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: We all know reinforcement makes our product stronger, more durable, and easier to handle. But how does it accomplish all of this? And why is it so important to be produced EXACTLY how the project plans specify? We will discus the purpose of […]

Soils on the Jobsite

Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor

Location: Kojo Kamau B - 4th Floor Speaker:  Karl Beckemeier, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Soils are a critical component of all construction projects and are important to all types of pipe installations. It is important to understand how the information found in various references and guides on soils relates to what might be […]

Small Drainage Inventory

2025 Pipe School Encore

Location: Kojo Kamau C - 4th Floor Speaker:  Brian Schroeder, P.E. - KYTC Michael Edwards, P.E. - Qk4 Engineering and Planning Presentation Description: Recent catastrophic events have exposed deficiencies in KYTC’s asset management. This prompted a large-scale project to identify and evaluate all small drainage structures (12 inch to <20 feet) located on KYTC roadways statewide. […]

INSPIRE: Personal Values and Recognition & Celebration

Pheoris West B - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West B - 3rd Floor Speaker: Eric Steele - Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute Presentation Description: Inspirational leadership training doesn’t begin by learning a new set of skills or behaviors but rather by learning what inspires and motivates you. While each of us has different and distinct values, identifying them leads to being more […]

Drycast Reinforcement

Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor

Location:  Pheoris West C - 3rd Floor Speaker: Bill Washabaugh - Northern Concrete Jake Jyrkama - Rinker Materials Speaker Bio: Bill works at Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc. in Michigan, a family owned business for over 64 years. He is the 101st & 113th Chairman of the ACPA Board of Directors. Bill is a member of […]

Reinforcement 2

Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor

Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Speaker: Jake Jyrkama - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: We all know reinforcement makes our product stronger, more durable, and easier to handle. But how does it accomplish all of this? And why is it so important to be produced EXACTLY how the project plans specify? We will discuss the purpose of […]