Final Exam
Pheoris West A - 3rd FloorLocation: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Please bring your ID to the Final Exam
Location: Pheoris West A - 3rd Floor Please bring your ID to the Final Exam
Location: Kojo Kamau A, B, C - 4th Floor Speaker: Mark Bailey, P.E. - INDOT Presentation Description: which version of HY-8 INDOT requires and why (newer versions incorrectly calculate the […]
Location: Aminah Robinson Grand Ballroom - 5th Floor Description: The Award Luncheon will recognize the Journeyman, Mel Marshal Award, QCast, P3, IMPACT, RCPix, Chairman’s Safety and Quality Award Winners.
Speaker: Trevis Hanson - CCPPA Presentation Description: This presentation provides basic information regarding reinforced concrete pipe. Pipe size and shape options, reinforcing methods, different concrete types and how productions differs […]
Speaker: Karl Beckemeier, P.E. - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Soils are a critical component of all construction projects and are important to all types of pipe installations. It is important […]
Speaker: Palisha Sthapit - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: This presentation discusses the methods to properly inspect drainage pipe and products before the installation process. It highlights the reasons for inspecting […]
Speakers: Matt Bruning - ODOT Jacque Annarino - ODOT Presentation Description: Moving super loads takes a lot of planning, preparation, coordination, analysis, and communication. Imagine planning and preparing to move […]
Speaker: Bob Hildebranski, P.E. - Orion Engineers Presentation Description: Constructability reviews are conducted during various phases of a design effort. The structured review is performed to validate that a project […]
Speaker: Eghe Igiehon - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: ACPA’s Design Data #1 for Highway Live Loads has recently been updated to address the latest changes in the AASHTO […]
Speaker: Frederick Ring, P.E. - NYDOT Presentation Description: Load Rating Bridge Size Precast Box Culverts and Frames - Discuss Load Rating Codes - Discuss Load Rating Programs - Discuss the […]
Speakers: Brandon Raines, P.E. - WVDOT Jeremiah Knavenshue, P.E. - WVDOT Presentation Description: As part of the Appalachian Development Highway, Corridor H is one of the final routes to be […]
Speaker: Al Hogan, P.E. - American Concrete Pipe Association Presentation Description: This class will walk the students through the basic concepts of the structural design of RCP. The speaker will […]
Speaker: Tryg Hoff, P.E. Presentation Description Ethics is more than just an ideal for Engineers, it is the foundation of our profession. This course will explore the past cases, hypothetical […]
Speaker: Mike Pniewski, P.E., P.S. - Lucas County Presentation Description: Will provide a case study of several concrete pipe storm sewers throughout Lucas County, that have been in place for […]
Speaker: Peter Stinchcomb - WYDOT Presentation Description: The Wyoming Department of Transportation along with the Wyoming Game and Fish and many NGO partners have teamed up and used concrete box […]
Speaker: Joe Romanyk, EIT - County Materials Presentation Description: In this presentation, a discussion on cracking of reinforced concrete pipe will occur. Cracks are an intended design feature in reinforced […]
Speaker: Melitza Avila - Rinker Materials Presentation Description: Join me to explore post-installation inspection guided by National Standards such as AASHTO and ASTM. These inspections validate proper installation and structural […]
Speaker: Ratan Huda, P.E., MSSE - NYDOT Presentation Description: Emergency Culvert Replacement - NY Rt 7 over Hoosick River Overflow – Project Highlight - In the Fall of 2023 NYS […]
Speaker: Karen Thompson - Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia Presentation Description: Unrivaled Durability of Concrete Pipe Proven The Australian Concrete Pipe Association has in recent years conducted field investigation and […]